The Puszta & Lake Tisza

The Alföld is a place of legends, and legendary sights. In the region the place named Hortobágy National Park, famous for its rare breed animals and Hungarian horse shows. Three national parks can be found within its borders.

Although Lake Tisza was created artificially at the beginning of 1970-ies its wild natural world reminds the visitor of an unspoilt, ancient water world and it is on the UNESCO world heritage list.

Other sights include Central Europe's biggest operating windmill, the plain's only medieval stone castle, Hungary's oldest railway station, and the world's second largest panorama painting.

This is the region of Hungary which has as many events and festivals connected with gastronomy: Baja has its fish soup cooking folk festival, competing with Szeged's fish soup cooking competition. In the Szatmár county they hold a plum jam making contest, while in Békéscsaba its sausages, Bereg its goulash soup, and this is not to mention the many wine tastings and events.

Hagyományos magyar kolbász
Kilenclyukú híd
Magyar csikós
Szegedi halászlé

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